Big cats secure ‘change our game’ funding for 2021/22 season

The club are excited to announce that we have successfully obtained a grant with the ‘Change Our Game Community Activation’ program. Aimed at providing community sporting organisations an opportunity to level the playing field for women and girls, the grant will assist the club in continuing to engage with local community schools through the Diamond Girls Baseball Academy.

Supported by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, ‘Change Our Game’ has awarded more than 240 grants since 2017, with a focus on promoting female leadership and development in the community.

The grant will specifically assist the Big Cats in late 2021 when we run our first ‘Diamond Days’. In November and December, two separate one day programs will be offered to local schools within the community where we will look to provide opportunities for young girls from years 7-12 to have a go at baseball. The ‘gala’ style days will be held at the club, and will offer both on-field and off-field activities, with a focus on baseball specific skills, fun games, leadership development and team work. Both days will act as a first look at the Diamond Girls program before our third season kicks off in February/March 2022.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for the club to really spread the word about the Diamond Girls program”, said Siobhan Stephenson, Diamond Girls coach. “Our hope is that we can continue to create relationships with schools in and around the club’s Springvale location, so that in the long term, we can continue growing women’s baseball at the club through the recruitment of local players”.

On behalf of everyone at the Big Cats, we thank all the volunteers who continue to give up their time and help grow this amazing program. For further details on the ‘Change Our Game’ initiative, please see the below media release.

If you would like to volunteer your time to assist at one of our ‘Diamond Days’, or if your school would like to take part, please contact Siobhan Stephenson for further details:

Thank you to our Alumni

We would also like to acknowledge our Big Cats Women’s Program alumni, who have really stepped up to the plate and added further support to Diamond Girls. An initiative put in place to ensure the longevity and sustainability of not only the Diamond Girls, but the women’s program overall, the alumni support program seeks a small annual donation from current or former Big Cat chicks. All money will go directly into the Diamond Girls fund that will help keep the program running each year.

Already we have had over 15 players/coaches/supporters donate to the cause. If you would like to find out more about this program, or make a small donation, please contact Mandi Avent, or donate directly via the club’s bank account:

Account Name: Springvale Lions Baseball Club

BSB: 013 030

Account Number: 2590 51536

Photo Courtesy: Days in the Sun Photography