Masters Season Set To Begin

The Springvale Big Cat Tomatoes Monday Night Masters Competition kicks off Monday October 13th at Springvale at 6pm.

This season, for the first time ever, the club has entered and will field three mens teams. This is a great growth area for Baseball in Victoria and we are proud that we are able to support it so well.

Combined with the Senior Mens, Senior Women’s and of course our expanding Junior Program the Springvale Baseball Club is showing some tremendous growth in participation across all teams.

The Masters competition has expanded this year as a result of the inclusion of an Over 45’s Age Group that offers another opportunity for baseballers to keep playing against like aged participants from other clubs. Our new 45 age group, led by Michael Wearne, and coincidentally the clubs inaugural Masters players, will again lead the club forward playing in a six team competition against Waverley, Blackburn, Fitzroy, Newport and Melbourne.  We wish them luck in what will become a popular age group in years to come.

 Remaining the same as last year, but now in a new divisional format, the two Over 38’s teams will compete against each other as well teams from the southern side of the city. Brad Hughes will continue to take care of the older of two the teams, whilst I will keep an eye on the younger one.

The competition in the 38’s will be different for all involved this season, and may provide some lopsided results whilst it finds it’s feet, however Baseball Victoria under advisement from the Summer League Rules Committee and Masters Advisory Group are working toward providing a better, stronger and more balanced format for competition for years to come.

The creation of the 45’s age group is step 1 in a number of changes planned for the ultimate betterment of Monday Night Masters Baseball.  If you’re interested in playing baseball at Springvale on a Monday Night and are over the age of 38, please let the club know for we are bound to find you a team and an age group to play in!